Most commonly found curled up in a Pizza box, usually as a result of having eaten said Pizza. Partial to Pepperoni and Pickle, this Puss is the craziest cat you could ever wish to meet. Very friendly unless you want to eat him.
From little eGGs great Yields will grow in the shape of an eGGciting host of iClopians! In the far off land of Clopia there lives the strangest of all creatures ever to stroll across a landscape.
One big eye and a personality to match!!
Buy and Collect your favorite iClops and Gimmicks.
Boost them for even more yields as you collect and Farm
Collect more and Farm even more!
Check our Docs for the full iClops overview.
Most commonly found curled up in a Pizza box, usually as a result of having eaten said Pizza. Partial to Pepperoni and Pickle, this Puss is the craziest cat you could ever wish to meet. Very friendly unless you want to eat him.
The meanest, nastiest and naughtiest of all the iClops is LuciClops. Always playing tricks on his fellow monsters this guy is the very essence of Mischief! Like’s roast cat… yeah, he’s that mean!
Rumour has it that this little fella was the very first iClopian discovered, giving the iClopians their name. A happy soul he is always there with a snappy one liner or tasteful joke. Watches far too much TV.
This mellow fellow is a star among the crowd. He wanders around a lot, dancing to tunes in his head and occasionally saying “Far Out Man!” before wiggling off on another rhythm quest. Loves chemicals….
Every hatched eGG item has a Power Value. This is your main indicator for your iClops/items Staking reward. More Power = More Reward.
Staking Booster
With this eGGciting and eGGsclusive mechanic, you can not only change your NFT picture but your item gets a 50% Staking Reward boost in your Farm too!
Every hatched eGG item gets a $Fame Attribute, created at random and in an eGGstraordinary way. Right now a mystical number, but its importance will be revealed to all very soon!
Whether you have a question for us or you want to share you eGGcitement we would love to hear from you.
Found an eGGsploit that needs squashing? Let us know and we’ll splat those eGGtraneous pests right away!
Mail us at -> [email protected]